what I really want!!!

If all I do Is watch the night sky In my jammie Taking in damp air sitting on the terrace Living the moment I"ll be fine without you. If all I do Is going on a drive Outside the town & watch the drop of water over the mirror of our car I"ll be smiling through drizzle rainy days. If all I do Is sipping my favorite hazelnut coffee In my favorite coffee house & scribbling eternity of words On the beloved sitting corner. If all I do Is sit alone write about things I miss most & have my favorite snacks I"ll be at peace without complaining about anything. If all I do Is just spend my weekend With lying close to someone & talk about the issue I'm facing & someone solving my dilemmas I"ll be loving him a lot More than I ought to. If all I do Is not spend my time overthinking & making my own assumptions I"ll not write this intense & harsh reality of mine. ...