if you care for me
It will show clearly
In your words that you speak
In the touch that I feel
In the eyes That you have
Looking into mine with right feelings
Your soul with entwined mine
And so will your emotions.
It will all show if you love
The expressions expressed
The smile vibrant
The laughter and the zest
Your enthusiasm and the zeal.
It will all show crystal clear
The feelings you have for me
No matter how much you try to hide
It will flow into me
Following where ever I be
Until it overpowers me
And I can feel it all
In the way you care
The words you share
Tears you shed
Concern you show
Always on your toe
It all tells me extremely clearly
That without guesses I speak here surely
It's love with the capitals there
and I know it was always there
And I know it will always be here
for me, for us.