all about todays world !!

Nowadays I met a lot of strangers, Sad & lost just like me. We build the walls around To keep sadness away & enjoy the fullest. Once I met a stranger, Who said, Would you like to have some conversations? I said well okay! In the meantime We exchange a lot of words & find some common interest. Eventually, he said Would you like to come back To my home with me I said, sorry well no way! I ain't interested In the one night stand He said No, it will be one unchain night. He said We will vanish our walls. Instead of taking our clothes, We will take our feelings off! Your head will be on my shoulder, You can keep crying, & tell me about your pain. I'll take care of you, As a fragile being. Then When there will be morning We'll just part our ways No names, no digits, no text It will be just one vent night. We will be strangers again, with no name Who shares & forget everything!!!