Girl & her falls.

There are times when you forget what you really want from your life, sometimes someone or you only just ask yourself "why you are here, what you want to do" and all this blah blah!! & that makes you more frustrated. moreover, confusion diverts us what truly matters. Sometimes you or someone close from your life, don't believe your work just because your astrology is not good. some astrologers told your family that you never ever will get succeeded in whatever you do or some pundits said that you will only get an average qualification as that's what written in your stars. When all this stuff you heard about yourself from your childhood only. You become crappy & eventually, that's what actually happens to you, you started to assume. You started to ignore your little voice inside you. But never forget everyone has an encouraging person who always believes you & motivates you who will never give up on you, & almost try to guides you i...